Monday, August 01, 2005

Children's Hospital

Wednesday morning, I was driving a go-cart and passed out after I got off the cart. I scraped my face, scraped my ankle and knee and got an ant bite. I was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with Heat Exhaustion, my parents didn't buy that. They were on the next flight out of Columbus. To make a long story short, I'm now at Children's Hospital, my home away from home. I have been put on some new medicine and if it goes well I should be discharged Wednesday afternoon.

At first we weren't really sure what was going on. I have lost 28 lbs over the year, I just thought it was college life and my trying not to eat late at night. Well apparently it was more than that. My heart is not pumping right and it has caused me to loose my appetite. I'm now drinking 3 Boost drinks a day and will be for a while. The out come of love from family and friends has been amazing. God has truly showed his love from me through his family! It has also proved his faithfulness once again, that when we cry out to God, he hears us and comforts us. He know the outcomes of our storms. Trey, thanx for letting me borrow that DVD ("Rain" and thanx for all the others too) it really spoke to mom and I Sunday. Knowing that God cares and hears us when we cry out to him. I hope you all are growing and learning to trust God more.


mandy said...

Nathan--I'm so glad to hear that you're doing okay. My parents called last week and told me about what was going on. Know that people in Boulder have been praying for you . . . we prayed for you on Sunday at church and tonight during a prayer time.

I keep thinking of that verse that says, "the Lord looks at the heart." I know it's not talking about our literal hearts, but I know that God really has been looking over your heart. He is so good to us.

Miss Jenna said...

nathan! can i just say that it did me good to see that you had posted. we have been wondering about our boy and praying ever so hard for a good report. we missed you terribly the last days of camp. everything went well (terrible and wonderful, you know the drill). i of course have hilarious stories to share, and a couple of sad ones too (i know YOU won't cry, but it was a tear-jerker at times) well buddy, feel better and know that your hephzibah crew is lifting you up always. keep laughing, it does the heart good--i know from experience, thanks to you this summer:) talk to you soon, bud!

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

Hey...I will be praying for you!

Jo said...

Nathan---phew. I will keep praying that everything turns out all right. We were so worried. You are very cared for by a lot of people! Peace