Tuesday, October 25, 2005

New Things Tuesday

It's the second day of the week or the third depending on how you look at it and that means new Movies, Music and other things. Today on DVD we have Titanic on 3 disks. I heard there is an hours worth of deleted sense. Also avable is The Wizard of Oz. One lady was like it's so much better than what you see on TV, I guess she wathes it once a year on Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, it is only about a month away. This is another George tradition; we go to my dad's sister's house on Wednesday and spend the night with everyone. Then do the food thing and mess around all the next day. It's pretty much one of the best times of the year.

Another tradition and something that has been brought to the attention of the CM's on campus is the practice of Women in the ministry. I'm not sure of how hot a topic this is. I think sometimes people try to make it seem like a big deal. But I wonder how many people really care. The vibe that I am most accustomed to is that guys don't really care, if God wants to get his message out he'll use what he wants. So on paper we say "yeah for girls" but in the pulpit the "yeahs" are hushed or just not voiced. Dr. Gonlag here at the university, along with some others throughout the country are in the begining stages of forming a "Center for Women in Ministry". Their goals are: Advocacy, Deployment, Education, Networking, and Research. They want to have a building here on campus and everything. They have just recieved a grant for $10,000 for promotions and advertising. (I am only assuming it would be for that. Dr. Gonlag said it was to make a video, so I'm assuming that a video would be under the Promotions umbrella)

Now having a Mom in the ministry it is sometimes difficult to come to an objective stance on the topic. What are your thoughts on the matter? Weather its a big deal or not, it will affect people regardless of their interest or not. Leave a commit.

Two other things real quick, be sure to check my updated Flickr page and November is Stash month! That's right fellas, it's the month of the stand alone!

-throw the shavers away


Anonymous said...

I dont think that this issue is really an "issue". I mean really, no male truly has an opinion, we say it doesnt matter becasue it really doesnt matter. God will use who he wants. So the ladies just need to step up to the plate. Problem solved.

Brett said...

i've always been a huge supporter of women in the ministry. i do think that God's ultimate desire is to effectively use teams (husband and wife) working together. i don't think that i would like to attend a church where the senior or teaching pastor was a woman...that's not to say that i think it would be wrong...it would just be odd to me.

Cody Thomas said...

Not to be less serious, but...I'm gonna rock the stand alone for November

Jo said...

go dr. gonlag, go! i think it's a big issue; one that is snuffed out of discussion. guys don't realize it's an issue b/c they are not discriminated against on the basis of their gender in ministry circles. the discrimination is subtle. here are some real life wesleyan women stories: perhaps it's just a simple patronization of your opinion and shirking it off as "the female perspective", Or perhaps it is having someone in authority not allow you to run for a leadership position or sign up for certain educational training simply b/c "you don't have the personality for it" which really means, if you're gonna be a woman in ministry than you must act like a man, you must have a john maxwellian authoritarian leadership style in order to be considered a legitimate leader as a woman. now, i know alot of men in leadership who are gentle, and sensitive, and no one discriminates against them simply because they don't have an aggressive leadership style. hmmm...

Jonathan Dodrill said...

The whole "women in ministry" thing is a huge issue! We have district superintendents not allowing women to pastor as well as self righteous old schoolers who are not cool with the "change." Which is ridiculous because Wesleyans have always been for women in ministry (Luther Lee-Wesleyan church founder-preached the sermon at the first ordination service for a woman). I have known several folks who graduated from IWU who were unable to work at Wesleyan churches because they wore a skirt instead of a tie. Man, when you look at Wesleyans on paper we're great, but in practice...we're lacking.

Jo said...

preach it Jon.