Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Current Readings

Current Readings are as follows:

"Worship as Pastoral Care" by; Wimmiam H. Willimon

"Extravagant Worship" by: Darlene Zschech

current listening:

David Crowder Band EP
"A Collision is coming"
full album release on September 27.

Calexico & Iron and Wine

and anything else that my iPod plays while on shuffle

also be sure to check out www.yurilane.com
he's a beat boxer, it's crazy

Things down here at school are busy. I have another Greek test tomorrow so I must go and study for that. Keep loving people and dreaming


Anonymous said...
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Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

You must read: "the five people you meet in heaven" by Mitch Album. Amazing!